ISSTA 2024
Mon 16 - Fri 20 September 2024 Vienna, Austria
co-located with ISSTA/ECOOP 2024

0 results

People (5 results)
Dimi Racordon

Dimi Racordon

… …

Christian Wimmer

Christian Wimmer

… …

Henrique Rebelo

Henrique Rebelo

… …

Events (24 results)

One Size Does Not Fit All: Multi-Granularity Patch Generation for Better Automated Program Repair

Technical Papers People: Bo Lin, Shangwen Wang, Ming Wen, Liqian Chen, Xiaoguang Mao

… …

Uncovering and Mitigating the Impact of Code Obfuscation on Dataset Annotation with Antivirus Engines

Technical Papers People: Cuiying Gao, Yueming Wu, Heng Li, Wei Yuan, Haoyu Jiang, Qidan He, Yang Liu

… accept the decisions of all engines. In reality, however, these engines have … all engines indiscriminately is unreasonable for dataset annotation. Therefore …, compared to using all the engines. …

Prospector: Boosting Directed Greybox Fuzzing for Large-scale Target Sets with Iterative Prioritization

Technical Papers People: Zhijie Zhang, Liwei Chen, Haolai Wei, Gang Shi, Dan Meng

all targets simultaneously. However, not all targets hold equal importance … that blindly tracking all targets diverts computing resources from critical …. We evaluate Prospector on 24 programs by setting all sanitizer labels …

Call Graph Soundness in Android Static Analysis

Technical Papers People: Jordan Samhi, René Just, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, Michael D. Ernst, Jacques Klein

… Static analysis is sound in theory, but an implementation may unsoundly fail to analyze all of a program’s code. Any such omission is a serious threat …, such as EdgeMiner, capturing all callbacks in the Android framework …

Attending Information (4 results)

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

… environment for all.

We expect all participants in ACM activities to abide by this policy in all venues, including ancillary events and unofficial social …/policy-against-discrimination-and-harassment.

All participants will have to agree …

Visa Support Letters

… to 10 business days to receive it. All requests are handled in the order …

Code of Conduct

… AITO’s mission is to provide a safe environment for all conference attendees. AITO rejects harassment for any reason or in any form, including but not limited to email, voice mail, chat rooms, Internet use, text messages, pictures, images …

Tracks (2 results)

Technical Papers

… Publication, authors are acknowledging that that all co-authors are subject to all [ACM Publications Policies]( … (Experience Paper)”. All authors should use the official “ACM Master article template …

Artifact Evaluation

For the “Artifacts Evaluated - Reusable” badge, all requirements for the "Artifacts … be extended. * The artifact contains all means necessary such that others can extend it. For example, a tool artifact includes its source code, all not commonly …