ISSTA 2024
Mon 16 - Fri 20 September 2024 Vienna, Austria
co-located with ISSTA/ECOOP 2024
Events (29 results)

One Size Does Not Fit All: Multi-Granularity Patch Generation for Better Automated Program Repair

Artifact Evaluation

… …

One Size Does Not Fit All: Multi-granularity Patch Generation for Better Automated Program Repair

Technical Papers When: Wed 18 Sep 2024 16:50 - 17:10 People: Bo Lin, Shangwen Wang, Ming Wen, Liqian Chen, Xiaoguang Mao

… …

FunRedisp: A Function Redispatch Tool to Reduce Invocation Gas Fees in Solidity Smart Contracts

Tool Demonstrations When: Wed 18 Sep 2024 16:34 - 16:47 People: Yunqi Liu, Wei Song

… \textsf{\textsc{FunRedisp}} is a function dispatch refactoring tool to reduce the overall invocation gas consumption of Solidity smart contracts. It initially extracts all external functions in a contract at the source code level. After …

Testing concurrent algorithms on JVM with Lincheck and IntelliJ IDEA

Tool Demonstrations When: Wed 18 Sep 2024 13:42 - 13:55 People: Alexander Potapov, Maksim Zuev, Evgenii Moiseenko, Nikita Koval

… includes all shared memory access and synchronization events. The IntelliJ IDEA …

SeeWasm: An Efficient and Fully-Functional Symbolic Execution Engine for WebAssembly Binaries

Tool Demonstrations When: Wed 18 Sep 2024 14:34 - 14:47 People: Ningyu He, Zhehao Zhao, Hanqin Guan, Jikai Wang, Shreya Mathews, Ding Li, Haoyu Wang, Xiangqun Chen, Yao Guo

… platform-specific, which means that they cannot support all Wasm features. They may …

FixCheck: A Tool for Improving Patch Correctness Analysis

Tool Demonstrations When: Wed 18 Sep 2024 15:55 - 16:08 People: Facundo Molina, Juan Manuel Copia, Alessandra Gorla

… Patch correctness assessment aims at effectively detecting overfitted patches, i.e., patches that causes all tests to pass but do not actually fix the bug. Although several automated techniques for assessing patch correctness have …

Uncovering and Mitigating the Impact of Code Obfuscation on Dataset Annotation with Antivirus Engines

Technical Papers When: Fri 20 Sep 2024 11:30 - 11:50 People: Gao Cuiying, Yueming Wu, Heng Li, Wei Yuan, Haoyu Jiang, Qidan He, Yang Liu

… of all engines. In reality, however, these engines have different capabilities … degrees. This makes us believe that using all engines indiscriminately …% and 19.23%, respectively, compared to using all the engines. …

Prospector: Boosting Directed Greybox Fuzzing for Large-Scale Target Sets with Iterative Prioritization

Technical Papers When: Fri 20 Sep 2024 10:30 - 10:50 People: Zhijie Zhang, Liwei Chen, Haolai Wei, Gang Shi, Dan Meng

… , and dynamically discard well-explored targets, thus steering toward all targets simultaneously. However, not all targets hold equal importance, particularly … tracking all targets diverts computing resources from critical targets, thereby …

Call Graph Soundness in Android Static Analysis

Technical Papers When: Fri 20 Sep 2024 11:10 - 11:30 People: Jordan Samhi, René Just, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, Michael D. Ernst, Jacques Klein

… Static analysis is sound in theory, but an implementation may unsoundly fail to analyze all of a program's code. Any such omission is a serious threat … systematic approaches, such as EdgeMiner, capturing all callbacks in the Android …

Empirical Study of Move Smart Contract Security: Introducing MoveScan for Enhanced Analysis

Technical Papers When: Fri 20 Sep 2024 13:30 - 13:50 People: Shuwei Song, Jiachi Chen, Ting Chen, Xiapu Luo, Teng Li, Wenwu Yang, Leqing Wang, Weijie Zhang, Feng Luo, Zheyuan He, Yi Lu, Pan Li

… essential meta-information, and detects all eight defect types. By leveraging MoveScan, we uncover 97,028 defects across all 37,302 deployed contracts in the Aptos …

An Empirical Study on Kubernetes Operator Bugs

Technical Papers When: Wed 18 Sep 2024 15:50 - 16:10 People: Qingxin Xu, Yu Gao, Jun Wei

from 36 Kubernetes operators. For all the studied bugs, we …

Neurosymbolic Repair of Test Flakiness

Technical Papers When: Thu 19 Sep 2024 11:10 - 11:30 People: Yang Chen, Reyhaneh Jabbarvand

… ) flakiness. They are also all symbolic approaches, i.e., they leverage program … for all cases with corresponding patches; 19 of them were accepted and merged …

UniTSyn: A Large-Scale Dataset Capable of Enhancing the Prowess of Large Language Models for Program Testing

Technical Papers When: Wed 18 Sep 2024 14:10 - 14:30 People: Yifeng He, Jiabo Huang, Yuyang Rong, Yiwen Guo, Ethan Wang, Hao Chen

all the evaluated programming …

Fuzzing JavaScript Interpreters with Coverage-Guided Reinforcement Learning for LLM-Based Mutation

Technical Papers When: Wed 18 Sep 2024 10:50 - 11:10 People: Jueon Eom, Seyeon Jeong, Taekyoung Kwon

… detection while minimizing syntax and semantic errors, all without needing extra post …

Your “Notice” Is Missing: Detecting and Fixing Violations of Modification Terms in Open Source Licenses during Forking

Technical Papers When: Fri 20 Sep 2024 15:50 - 16:10 People: Kaifeng Huang, Yingfeng Xia, Bihuan Chen, Siyang He, Huazheng Zeng, Zhuotong Zhou, Jin Guo, Xin Peng

… source licenses. These licenses all require certain forms of “notice” to describe …

CLAP: Learning Transferable Binary Code Representations with Natural Language Supervision

Technical Papers When: Fri 20 Sep 2024 16:10 - 16:30 People: Hao Wang, Zeyu Gao, Chao Zhang, Zihan Sha, Mingyang Sun, Yuchen Zhou, Wenyu Zhu, Wenju Sun, Han Qiu, Xi Xiao

… analysis all demonstrate exceptional performance. Notably, without any task-specific …

Isolation-Based Debugging for Neural Networks

Technical Papers When: Wed 18 Sep 2024 16:30 - 16:50 People: Jialuo Chen, Jingyi Wang, Youcheng Sun, Peng Cheng, Jiming Chen

… across all tasks. …

Automated Program Repair via Conversation: Fixing 162 out of 337 Bugs for $0.42 Each using ChatGPT

Technical Papers When: Wed 18 Sep 2024 15:30 - 15:50 People: Chunqiu Steven Xia, Lingming Zhang

… . For earlier patches that failed to pass all tests, we combine the incorrect patches … the same

mistakes. For earlier patches that passed all the tests (i.e. …

DBStorm: Generating Various Effective Workloads for Testing Isolation Levels

Technical Papers People: Keqiang Li, Siyang Weng, Lyu Ni, Chengcheng Yang, Rong Zhang, Xuan Zhou, Aoying Zhou

… to manage all conflicts of a workload, and performs a verification policy …

Synthesis of Sound and Precise Storage Cost Bounds via Unsound Resource Analysis and Max-SMT

Technical Papers When: Fri 20 Sep 2024 11:30 - 11:50 People: Elvira Albert, Jesús Correas, Pablo Gordillo, Guillermo Román-Díez, Albert Rubio

… and previous contents. Safely assuming the largest cost for all situations, as done …

Equivalent Mutants in the Wild: Identifying and Efficiently Suppressing Equivalent Mutants for Java Programs

Technical Papers When: Wed 18 Sep 2024 11:10 - 11:30 People: Benjamin Kushigian, Samuel Kaufman, Ryan Featherman, Hannah Potter, Ardi Madadi, René Just

all 9,047 equivalent mutants reported by any tool to better understand the types …

Traceback: A Fault Localization Technique for Molecular Programs

Technical Papers When: Thu 19 Sep 2024 15:30 - 15:50 People: Michael C. Gerten, James I. Lathrop, Myra Cohen

… tuning of Trace-
back when all tests, or only code-based (invariant) tests …

One-to-One or One-to-Many? Suggesting Extract Class Refactoring Opportunities with Intra-class Dependency Hypergraph Neural Network

Technical Papers When: Thu 19 Sep 2024 15:30 - 15:50 People: Di Cui, Qiangqiang Wang, Yutong Zhao, Jiaqi Wang, Minjie Wei, Jingzhao Hu, Luqiao Wang, Qingshan Li

… . All the attributed hypergraphs are fed into an enhanced hypergraph neural …

Maltracker: A Fine-Grained NPM Malware Tracker Copiloted by LLM-Enhanced Dataset

Technical Papers When: Thu 19 Sep 2024 16:10 - 16:30 People: Zeliang Yu, Ming Wen, Xiaochen Guo, Hai Jin

… of 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑟 all contribute to the effectiveness of its …

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Decompilers

Technical Papers People: Ying Cao, Runze Zhang, Ruigang Liang, Kai Chen

… has about 55% accuracy at almost all optimization, which contradicts the common …

Precise Compositional Buffer Overflow Detection via Heap Disjointness

Technical Papers When: Thu 19 Sep 2024 13:30 - 13:50 People: Yiyuan Guo, Peisen Yao, Charles Zhang

… by shrinking the program state space so that all the symbolic locations involved in memory …

LPR: Large Language Models-Aided Program Reduction

Technical Papers When: Wed 18 Sep 2024 11:30 - 11:50 People: Mengxiao Zhang, Yongqiang Tian, Zhenyang Xu, Yiwen Dong, Shin Hwei Tan, Chengnian Sun

… to

finish all the benchmarks in C, Rust …

Synthesis-Based Enhancement for GUI Test Case Migration

Technical Papers When: Fri 20 Sep 2024 14:10 - 14:30 People: Yakun Zhang, Qihao Zhu, Jiwei Yan, Chen Liu, Wenjie Zhang, Yifan Zhao, Dan Hao, Lu Zhang

… functionality in the target app, MigratePro first combines all the GUI states related …

SelfPiCo: Self-Guided Partial Code Execution with LLMs

Technical Papers When: Thu 19 Sep 2024 14:30 - 14:50 People: Zhipeng Xue, Zhipeng Gao, Shaohua Wang, Xing Hu, Xin Xia, Shanping Li

… execute 72.7% and 83.3% of all lines in the open-source code and Stack Overflow …