ISSTA 2024
Mon 16 - Fri 20 September 2024 Vienna, Austria
co-located with ISSTA/ECOOP 2024

As autonomous driving systems (ADS) advance towards higher levels of autonomy, orchestrating their safety verification becomes increasingly intricate. This paper unveils ScenarioFuzz, a pioneering scenario-based fuzz testing methodology. Designed like a choreographer who understands the past performances, it uncovers vulnerabilities in ADS without the crutch of predefined scenarios. Leveraging map road networks, such as OPENDRIVE, we extract essential data to form a foundational scenario seed corpus. This corpus, enriched with pertinent information, provides the necessary boundaries for fuzz testing in the absence of starting scenarios. Our approach integrates specialized mutators and mutation techniques, combined with a graph neural network model, to predict and filter out high-risk scenario seeds, optimizing the fuzzing process using historical test data. Compared to other methods, our approach reduces the time cost by an average of 60.3%, while the number of error scenarios discovered per unit of time increases by 103%. Furthermore, we propose a self-supervised collision trajectory clustering method, which aids in identifying and summarizing 54 high-risk scenario categories prone to inducing ADS faults. Our experiments have successfully uncovered 58 bugs across six tested systems, emphasizing the critical safety concerns of ADS.