ISSTA 2024
Mon 16 - Fri 20 September 2024 Vienna, Austria
co-located with ISSTA/ECOOP 2024
Thu 19 Sep 2024 14:10 - 14:30 at EI 3 Sahulka - Databases Chair(s): Manuel Rigger

Graph Database Management Systems (GDBMSs) store data in a graph format, facilitating rapid querying of nodes and relationships. This structure is particularly advantageous for applications like social networks and recommendation systems, which often involve frequent writing operations—such as adding new nodes, creating relationships, or modifying existing data—that potentially introduce bugs.

However, existing GDBMS testing approaches tend to overlook these writing functionalities, failing to detect bugs arising from such operations.

In this paper we present GraspDB, the first metamorphic testing approach specifically designed to identify bugs related to writing operations in graph database systems.

GraspDB employs the Graph-State Persistence oracle, which is based on the Labeled Property Graph Isomorphism (LPG-Isomorphism) and Labeled Property Subgraph Isomorphism (LPSG-Isomorphism) relations. We also develop three classes of mutation rules aimed at engaging more diverse writing-related code logic.

GraspDB has successfully detected 77 unique, previously unknown bugs across four popular open source graph database engines, among which 58 bugs are confirmed by developers, 43 bugs have been fixed and 31 are related to writing operations.

Thu 19 Sep

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

13:30 - 14:50
DatabasesTechnical Papers at EI 3 Sahulka
Chair(s): Manuel Rigger National University of Singapore
Testing Gremlin-Based Graph Database Systems via Query Disassembling
Technical Papers
Yingying Zheng Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wensheng Dou Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lei Tang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ziyu Cui Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yu Gao Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jiansen Song Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Liang Xu Jinling Institute of Technology, Jiaxin Zhu Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wei Wang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jun Wei Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hua Zhong Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tao Huang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences
SQLess: Dialect-Agnostic SQL Query Simplification
Technical Papers
Li Lin Xiamen University, Zongyin Hao Xiamen University, Chengpeng Wang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Zhuangda Wang Xiamen University, Rongxin Wu Xiamen University, Gang Fan Ant Group
Testing Graph Database Systems with Graph-State Persistence Oracle
Technical Papers
Shuang Liu Renmin University of China, Junhao Lan Tianjin University, China, Xiaoning Du Monash University, Jiyuan Li Tianjin University, China, Wei Lu Renmin University of China, China, Jiajun Jiang Tianjin University, Xiaoyong Du Renmin University of China
DBStorm: Generating Various Effective Workloads for Testing Isolation Levels
Technical Papers
Keqiang Li East China Normal University, Siyang Weng East China Normal University, Lyu Ni East China Normal University, Chengcheng Yang East China Normal University, Rong Zhang East China Normal University, Xuan Zhou East China Normal University, Aoying Zhou East China Normal University

Information for Participants
Thu 19 Sep 2024 13:30 - 14:50 at EI 3 Sahulka - Databases Chair(s): Manuel Rigger
Info for room EI 3 Sahulka:


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