ISSTA 2024
Mon 16 - Fri 20 September 2024 Vienna, Austria
co-located with ISSTA/ECOOP 2024

Web3 describes an idea for the next evolution of the Internet, where blockchain technology enables the Internet of Value. As Web3 software, decentralized applications (DApps) have emerged in recent years. There exists a natural link between DApps and cryptocurrencies, where faults in DApps could directly lead to monetary losses associated with cryptocurrencies. Hence, efficient fault localization technology is of paramount importance for urgent DApp rescue operations and the mitigation of financial losses. However, fault localization methods applied in traditional applications are not well-suited for this specific field, due to their inability to identify DApp-specific fault features, e.g., a substantial amount of cryptocurrency is transferred from DApps to hackers. In order to explore the root cause of DApp faults, some researchers try to identify suspicious code snippets through mutation testing. Nonetheless, applying mutation testing for DApp fault localization is time-consuming and thus limited in practice. This paper conducts the first comprehensive study of DApp fault localization. We introduce DAppFL, a learning-based DApp fault localization tool that performs reverse engineering to gather executed source code and then trace cryptocurrency flow to assist in locating faulty functions. We also present the inaugural dataset for DApp fault localization, providing a new benchmark for this domain.Our experimental results demonstrate that DAppFL locates 63% of faults within the Top-5, 23%#dappfl. more than the state-of-the-art method. To facilitate further research, our code and dataset are freely available online: